Tuesday, September 25, 2012

25 Weeks!

I'm still feeling pretty good at 25 weeks. I've been starting to get some pain just below my ribs. Doctor says its from my organs moving around and getting squished together. I also get short of breath when I talk for too long or pull my knees up on the couch. Haha! Silly little things like that. Our baby boy is still super active and growing like a weed!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Keeping busy...

Travis got a full time job at Melaleuca in there call center in customer service. He's had training everyday this week from about 4-10pm. With him being gone so much in the evening I've been getting a little bored. I got caught up in my journal, enjoyed viewing pinterest posts, cleaning, baking, and doing a couple puzzles. Here's a picture of the 3D puzzle I borrowed from our neighbor. It was a lot of fun! It was my first time doing a 3D puzzle. It probably took me about 6 or 7 hours.

Almost 24 weeks!

I'm just about 24 weeks, and I feel like I'm growing everyday! I recently went and got a few more maternity clothes. Our baby boy is still as active as ever!! Sometimes I feel like he's trying to escape!! I'm sure as he grows up he's going to be keeping Travis and me very busy! Haha!!

We had a Dr. appointment last week. Dr. said everything is still going good! Our next appointment should be rather interesting... I will be tested for gestational diabetes, receive a rhogam shot, and we'll have another ultrasound. Busy, busy!! I'm not sure if many know what the rhogam shot is... It has to do with my blood type. My blood type is A- which means my blood is Rh negative. If the baby's blood is + and our blood comes in contact with each other, my body will see the baby as a foreign object and start to produce antibodies to fight the baby. So the rhogam shot takes care of this problem so all is safe for the baby. The shot is given right around 28 weeks. I'm a little nervous to get it since its given in your "hip" (aka butt), but I've heard it's not as bad as it seems it would be. We are excited to have another ultrasound! We love seeing out little guy!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Charlotte Shields is the best!!

When I worked at the Rochester Primary School I worked with many wonderful people, one of which is Charlotte Shields!! She called me her Granddaughter. We had many wonderful times together and built a great relationship!! Now that Travis and I are having a baby Charlotte is becoming a "Great-Grandma." We got these cute little outfits in the mail this weekend! Charlotte, you are so wonderful! Thank you! We love you!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I made a chocolate peanut butter pie today. I found a good, simple, relatively quick recipe. It turned out great! Very delicious! Then again, how can you go wrong with peanut butter?? ;)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pregnant Picture!

Another shot of my growing belly! It sure is fun seeing my belly get bigger! We found out we are having a BOY!!! The Dr. said I'm feeding him right. He's measuring about a week ahead of schedule. He sure is an active little guy! I've been able to feel him moving for about two weeks now. The Dr. seemed pretty surprised when I told him I could feel him moving around already. He was jumping around all through the last ultrasound. It's just so wonderful feeling and seeing him move!! What a wonderful miracle!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baby stuff!

We've been so blessed to get some baby stuff from Travis' Dad and Step-Mom. I set this up today to see what it looked like. It's a playpen, a bassinet, and a changing table. We are so excited to have this!! Thanks Dad and Brenda!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Baby bump!

Here I am at 16 weeks and 2 days! The baby is getting bigger, along with my tummy! This week our baby is about 5 inches long (from crown to rump), and weighs about 5 ounces!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Travis and I went to Utah for a friends wedding. We had a great time! This picture is obviously of us with the bride and groom, but I also wanted to share it because you can see my little baby bump. This is at about 15 weeks. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Quick trip to South Dakota!

We made a quick weekend trip to South Dakota. On the way over we got caught in a snow storm at Jackson. Here we are stopped behind a plow truck (we were there for about 45 minutes). There were several accidents going over this mountain, but we made it following the plow truck! 

We spend a good part of Saturday with Travis' Dad and Brenda. It was great to see them! We tried to go to Mt. Rushmore, but it got extremely foggy so we didn't make it up there. We really enjoyed being able to spend time with Dad and Brenda! 

We spend time with Travis' mission president. They go home in July so it was great to see them before they left the South Dakota area! 

The mountains were beautiful on the way home! The ride was long, but we made it! :) It was a great weekend with family and friends!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Quick trip to WA!

We made a quick trip to WA in April. My younger brother is going on a 2-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and in preparation for that he was able to go to the Temple. So we went home for that. While we were home we got to spend a little bit of time with each of our families.We got to go to lunch at a mexican restaurant (my favorite) with Travis' Mom and little brother. We had fun visiting with them!

We spent the evening at my parent's house. The sunset on the farm that evening was beautiful! 

Saturday we went to the Seattle temple. If you look closely you might be able to see us.... 

My parents and younger brother.

Travis and I in front of the beautiful tree!

Even though the trip was real quick we enjoyed seeing our family! Saturday afternoon we made the trip back to ID. It was a long day!!

Cakes, cakes and more cakes!

During March I was really into making cakes! I found some cute ideas online and went with it! This first one was for Trevor's (my younger brother) birthday. He turned 19. 

 Obviously this one was for Travis! He turned 24. I made a golf cake...you can barely see the golf ball in the middle of his cake. We had a bunch of people over for his birthday and as a result we had NO cake left over! It was great!

 Our neighbor had a birthday and she was going to make her own cake. You can't make your OWN birthday cake! So I made one for her! She has a fun personality so I made this cake just for her!

Friday, March 16, 2012


I have such a wonderful husband! On his way home from the driving range yesterday he got me flowers, and surprised me with them! He is the best husband!!! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy (early) Birthday!

Travis has a birthday on March 21. He got his birthday present early this year because there was no way I could pick out golf clubs for him! The other day I told him what I was getting him, thinking it would take about a week to find a set of clubs that he wanted....I should have known it would have taken only a day or two to find one. :) We went and picked them up today and this afternoon he went to the driving range to try them out! He's very excited to have them!!! He was grinning from ear to ear on the way home from picking them up! I love seeing him happy!

Happy (early) Birthday Babe!

I'm DONE!!

I finally finished my cross-stitching project! The Portland Temple, where Travis and I got married! It took me a few weeks and I'm very happy with how it turned out! Now I just have to decide what I'm going to do with it....I have no idea!

A full wall...

We finally got our wedding pic prints that we ordered. We LOVE them and are so happy to have them up on our wall now!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Elder F Enzio Busche of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

One of Travis' teachers showed this to him and he listens to it almost every morning! It's such a good video and makes you want to be a better person!

Friday, March 9, 2012


I have felt pretty ambitious this week in the cooking department! On Tuesday I made my first meatloaf!! I got the recipe from Travis' Mom and it turned out great!!! Unfortunately, Travis wasn't feeling good that night so he wasn't able to enjoy it with me, but the next day we had it for left overs and he liked it! :) Coming up this week I plan on makeing taco soup, and homemade lasagna, along with a strawberry pretzal salad dessert. Fortunately we have friends coming over for dinner both nights we eat those so we shouldn't have as much left over. :)
We are absolutely loving it in Rexburg!! Travis is doing really well in all of his classes! We get snow about once a week. It seems like every time the snow melts it snows again the next day! We have had a few sporadic days of nice weather which is really making us excited for spring!! The sun also seems to come out more, but that doesn't always mean it's warm out. I generally keep myself busy by cleaning house, doing laundry, grocery shopping, and I also started a cross-stitching project (which I will post on here once it's done). :)


Travis and I have been on a couple athletic teams this semester. It's been a lot of fun! Travis has been doing a lot of basketball. I have been doing basketball and futsol (indoor soccer on a basketball court, playing 5 on 5). We have made a lot of friends this way! It's also been a great source of exercise! :)

Kitchen Chairs!!

The weekend after Valentine's Day was a three day weekend. We had family come into town. My mom re-upholstered our kitchen chairs for us! They now match our kitchen and look amazing!! I wish I would have taken a before and after picture, but it slipped my mind...

Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Day wasn't too exciting. I was basically sick that whole week. Travis and I exchanged gifts and I went to bed early. The week before I went to a Relief Society activity and we made different valentine decorations. This is the one that I created! It was pretty fun to make!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cookies anyone?

Here I am making cookies! Travis' Aunt Doreen and Uncle Bill got me the apron I have on! Thanks! I love it! The cookies turned out pretty good too!

Our New Apartment

I've decided to post a few pictures of our apartment. I know our mothers would love to see what we've done with the place!

Our living room's big wall is a little bare. We are going to get a large picture of us from our wedding and put it in the middle of this wall.

This is Travis' study! Someday we'll transform this room into a nursery...but don't worry, we're not there yet! ;)



Our Bedroom (of course we have to have UW stuff on the bed!).

Overall, we absolutely love our apartment! It's perfect for us!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The beginning...

We have decided to start a blog! I'm pretty excited about this! My plan is to post lots of pictures! Since we got married on November 26 things have been rather busy.

For our honeymoon we went to Victoria, Canada. Here is a picture of us with the legislative building. It's so pretty with the Christmas lights on it!

On Christmas Eve we got to meet up with Travis' step mom (Brenda) and grandma! We had a nice lunch with them!

We enjoyed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with our families! Two days after Christmas we packed up all our stuff in our two cars and a Uhaul trailer and headed east (55mph the whole way!). We moved to Idaho where Travis is now attending BYU-Idaho. We love living in Idaho! It only took us a few days to get settled into our little apartment. We are looking forward to the adventures that will come in the future! :)